More Than a Story

What is StoriePlay?

StoriePlay is an interactive, engaging storytelling app for kids that brings stories alive! It uses Augmented Reality to transform ordinary indoor or outdoor spaces into magnificent stories and experiences.

Interactive storytelling, edutainment games and digital toys all in AR!

StoriePlay is a kids’ storytelling app that promotes thinking skills. Stories are based on the various life situations that can be helpful for kids to understand how this world works. The app features stories with 3D-animated characters, interactive scene exploration, gamified activities, and downloadable digital toys. Kids can now see how their indoor and outdoor spaces can host stories that feel more real and present than ever before, all with the help of Augmented Reality.

The StoriePlay Team

We’re a team of super excited creatives, engineers, and educators that came together to make rapid progress in developing the StoriePlay app. We’re creating engaging and uniquely immersive kids content that’s different from traditional apps.

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